First time I felt the tug of Jesus on my was during crisis of my life, it was when I was unemployed, it was a big challenge. Trust Him or never. I had nothing to lose and why wouldn't I? That was the BEST shot I ever gave and I've experienced Psalms 23 which I'll never ever forget how He is my savior, my king and my all in all.
I am following Him myself and I know that I am sinful. Sometimes, I was afraid what He would ask me to do...,do something I didn't wish or want to. I was dreaming long time ago and was just interested in psychology. Six months ago, I really wanted to study. Three month ago, I'd like to know more about it and was so interested in integration of Christianity and psychology. Daydreaming about one day I could do something or have meaningful job and live a meaningful life. It's not about the future, it's about now and when God's in everyday life, things seem to be meaningful and I am fulfilled. When God's in everyday of your life..., you don't need anything plus you can do anything (I'm not saying it's easy) I have been asked to surrender, and offer HIM myself wholeheartedly ...(you wanted to ignore but you couldn't!if you know what I mean) suddenly, you think to yourself "I'd better give it to Him" and when you do it, the heaviness became lightness, then you experience "grace" and you tell him "thank you for lifting it up, I feel a lot better and now what can I do to thank YOU?".
"Go", that's what He said.
"Go where?", I still wondered.
He didn't tell where to go but instead he was giving opportunities to choose. And how am I supposed to know what is the right choice?? The last post I said "If glorifying God means to be satisfied with Him first" then answer is already here.
If you see a fish tattoo on my wrist, it was about to remind me what I had experienced with him (I didn't even know what that was, I got a tatt just to remind me what I experienced) I assumed it's the calling.
I'm leaving in a month, going to where I've said above. It's so crazy.., but it's real, it was like a dream but it's real, so real. I'm not dreaming but I'm living a dream. He is not just God but LIVING GOD. I can go anywhere in the world and I know that He is with me.
A long road ahead of me, I can say I am so afraid but I am not afraid. I'm not confused, I am conscious and being aware of not so beautiful as in my fantasy world. This is how I am living my life, to follow my Lord Jesus.
Have faith. (although it' so a little)
Believe and be satisfied in Him.
Until our roads lead us to home.
p.s. don't forget to give what you've gotten. Pass it forward.